Reading Red Letters 2.0

As you can see, the talented Leanne Wildermuth has completed the new look for Reading Red Letters – and man, did she do a fantastic job or what?!

The thought for this new design came from the practice that churches have of changing their altar hangings, robes, etc. with the changing church seasons.  I thought “wouldn’t it be really cool if my blog could do that?”  Then I found this neat plugin by Scott Lenger called Liturgical Year Themes.  I knew that I wanted Leanne to do the re-design (both because she does beautiful work and because she did my original design), and she was adventurous enough to give it a try using this plugin.  I think it turned out pretty snazzy!

I’m totally going to steal the screenshot Leanne has up on her blog so that you can see a little preview of what is to come throughout the year:

Screenshot Preview

Thank you so much Leanne for all your hard work and for allowing me to change my mind several times!  I am thrilled with the way that things turned out, and I can’t wait to change seasons!!

This post is being re-posted on 7/7/09 – I had a backup malfunction and lost 3 months of posts, and so I am re-posting them through my findings with Google Cache. I did NOT delete the comments, I just have no way of restoring them. I am sorry if you commented and it is lost!

Welcome to Reading Red Letters!

I would like to welcome everyone to my newest venture: Reading Red Letters, a Christian faith blog!

While I’m not new to the concept of blogging (my personal blog is Suspension of Disbelief), I am new to religious blogging, so if anyone has any suggestions or comments, I’m all ears!

I’d tell you a little about myself, but you can find that information here. So instead, I’d like to share with you why I wanted to open this site.

So many times we allow ourselves to become slack in keeping up with our religious lifestyles. Work, personal issues, and just the busy nature of our society make it difficult to set aside time for reflection and communion with God. I know that I am not immune to this, and that was a personal reason for starting this site. Not only does a blog force me to make coherent thoughts from the ramblings in my head, but it also makes me accountable to you, the readers. I want this blog to not be me pontificating on the great theological arguments of the ages, but rather a forum for communication on spiritual matters. Your comments and questions will largely dictate the content of this blog. My mission here is not to convert you, not to change you, but rather to CHALLENGE you through what I have learned from the Bible and from others.

Sound cool to everyone? I’d love your thoughts and opinions! You can always leave me comments or a tag on my tagboard, and I’m going to be adding an email link to the sidebar in about 30 seconds, so feel free to hit me up through email as well!

Again, welcome, and I hope that you enjoy this as much as I will!